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La vie ! Les confettis !
1 mars 2009

Retour au bercail

Loulou, de retour depuis hier soir, que je ne me lasse pas d'observer :: elle a grandi, cela me saute encore plus aux yeux qu'avant son départ (il avait fallu, en vitesse, courir acheter 3 pantalons en 4/5 ans) :: ses phrases sont désormais plus fluides, elle affirme tranquillement ses goûts, ses préférences ::


:: Elle est heureuse et riche de ces heures passées avec ses grandes cousines, je le sens ::



:: Heureuse de ces liens qui se tissent avec son papi, sa bonne-maman, lien-terreau sur lequel s'épanouira encore mieux ma petite fleur ::


Ce dimanche nous l'avons passé à jouer, à préparer de bons petits plats, à nous promener aux Tuileries puis après un goûter sur un quai de Seine à imaginer ce que serait notre vie si nous habitions sur un bateau, nous avons pris le chemin de la maison afin de préparer le retour à l'école demain matin :: nous reprenons le train-train quotidien le coeur léger ::


Loulou's back after 2 weeks holidays with her grand-parents and it just amazed me how much she has grown up lately (I had to buy a few extra pair of trousers before she left). She speaks more fluently, shares more of her thougts and feelings.

I think beeing with her 3 cousins, who are a bit older, did her good. She keeps it all to herself. I don't know much about those 15 days in la Rochelle and in Normandy but I can feel this.

And the link with her pop and "bonne-maman" is also important. This time, by themselves, they share has a deep impact on Loulou. Like good earth on which to grow strong and cared for.

Thank you for your comment on my post for searching of a holiday spot.<br /> Nice to learn there are other parents struggling with this (new) dilemma. When you are not a parent, it's so much easier to just go away. But now with the little ones, we want more (childfriendly etc). We are also planning to look for our next trip in october, so that we are on time to book for a change! <br /> Lovely little girl you have by the way! How old is she? Mine is from 29-12-2005, I think they're not far apart, are they?
La vie ! Les confettis !